Digital Latin Library

Unlike the Fragmentarium project, the Digital Latin Library is more concerned with presenting editions than describing manuscripts. Their template thus focuses less on physical description of manuscripts, and more on the editorial apparati necessary for a modern digital critical edition, which is more closely aligned with the guide to TEI produced by Andrew Dunning.

The TEI header material is roughly similar between the DLL and the Fragmentarium project, but afterwards differs considerably. This divergence demonstrates the adaptability of the TEI coding guidelines. While our previous example was mostly <fileDesc> information, this template is mostly a <text> block:

  <front xml:id="front">
  <div type="section" xml:id="preface">
<p>General introductory remarks about the edition.</p>
<div type="section" xml:id="preface-section-1">
This is a subsection within the preface. Editors should use
            subsections (with <div>) to organize the content of the edition's
            preface. For example, there might be a subsection devoted to
            the description of manuscripts.
<div type="section" xml:id="bibliography">
This is where the bibliography for the edition is listed.
<div type="section" xml:id="bibliography-early-editions">
<head>Early Editions</head>
Bibliographical details for early editions or editiones vetustiores, using
            <gi>listWit</gi> with <att>type</att>="editions-witnesses".
<div type="section" xml:id="bibliography-modern-editions">
<head>Modern Editions</head>
Bibliographical details for modern editions and commentaries, using
            <gi>listBibl</gi> with <att>type</att>="editions-sources".
<div type="section" xml:id="bibliography-secondary-sources">
<head>Secondary Sources</head>
Bibliographical details for articles, notes, books, and other sources,
            using <gi>listBibl</gi> with <att>type</att>="secondary-sources".
<div type="section" xml:id="bibliography-scholars">
<head>List of Scholars Referred to By Name</head>
 A list of the names of individual scholars referred to by name in the
            apparatus, if they are not listed elsewhere in the bibliography.
<div type="section" xml:id="conspectus">
A key to the special sigla and abbreviations used in the edition (drawn
          from the <att>xml:id</att>'s assigned to the various items in the
<div type="edition" xml:id="edition-text" xml:space="preserve">
<div type="textpart" n="1" xml:id="part1">
<head>Title of First Part</head>
Text goes here, according to the conventions laid out elsewhere in these guidelines.
<div type="textpart" n="2" xml:id="part2">
<head>Title of Second Part</head>
Each new major section (e.g., book, volume) has a new <div.
The content of the back matter will be determined in consultation between
        the editor and the staff of the DLL. Because LDLT editions are encoded, the
        matter traditionally found in the back of a printed critical edition may be
        generated by applications instead of having to be entered manually.
        Nevertheless, there is space here for notes, indices, and other kinds of

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