Medieval Liturgy - Basic Bibliography

A basic bibliography

Harper, John The Forms and Orders of Western Liturgy from the Tenth to the Eighteenth Century. A Historical Introduction and Guide for Students and Musicians. Oxford: Clarendon, 1991. A detailed introduction in English to the complexities of the liturgy. It includes much useful materials, such as an alphabetical list of latin psalms; translations of many Latin choral texts. A useful guide to further studies, editions of sources, and, older but still classic studies. Hiley, David. Western Plainchant. A Handbook. Oxford: Clarendon, 1993. - In addition to being an indispensable reference for students of the chant, the opening portions give a clear introduction to the liturgy with substantial bibliography. Hughes, Andrew. Medieval Manuscripts for Mass and Office: A guide to their organization and terminology. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982. Pfaff, Richard W. Medieval Latin Liturgy: A Select Bibliography. Toronto Medieval Bibliographies, 9. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982. -The opening section provides an introduction to the liturgy in its most evolved from. Hughes’ study is intended to explain the structure and layout of high-medieval chant books.

On medieval liturgical books

Gamber, Klaus. Codices liturgici Latini antiquiores. Freiburg, Schweiz: Universitätsverlag, 1961. A list of sources. Hughes, Andrew. Medieval Manuscripts for Mass and Office [above] Huglo, Michel. Les livres de chant liturgique. Typologie des sources du Moyen Age occidental, 52. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 1988. Palazzo, Eric. A History of Liturgical Books from the Beginning to the Thirteenth Century, translated by Madeleine Beaumont. Collegeville, Minn.: Liturgical Press, c1998. [Eng. tr. of Le Moyen Age: des origines au XIIIe siècle. Paris : Beauchesne, 1993)

Useful reference books

Cappelli, Adriano. Lexicon abbreviaturarum : dizionario di abbreviature latine ed italiane usate nelle carte e codici specialmente del Medio-Evo . . . 6th ed., Milano: Hoepli ; 1979. Diamond, Wilfrid Joseph. Dictionary of liturgical Latin. Milwaukee, Bruce Pub. Co. [1961] Dictionnaire d'archeologie chretienne et de liturgie / publié par le Rme dom Fernand Cabrol et le R. P. dom Henri Leclercq ; avec le concours d'un grand nombre de collaborateurs. Paris : Letouzey et An, l920-l953. 15 v. in 30.Stronger in earlier volumes, but full of useful information. Fine Arts Arc1018.01; Widener Arc 1018.01 and elsewhere

Liturgy: general studies

Batiffol, Pierre [Histoire du Bréviaire romain. English] History of the Roman Breviary by Pierre Batiffol; translated by Atwell M.Y. Baylay ; with a new preface by the author. London ; New York : Longmans, Green, 1898.

Dix, Gregory. The Shape of the Liturgy. 2d ed. London, Dacre Press, Adam & Charles Black [1975] First published in 1945. Duchesne, L. (Louis Marie Olivier). Origines du culte chrétien : étude sur la liturgie latine avant Charlemagne. 5. ed., rev. et augm. Paris Boccard, 1925. English: Christian Worship: its Origin and Evolution. A Study of the Latin liturgy up to the Time of Charlemagne. Translated by M.L. McClure. 5th ed. London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1923. Jungmann, Josef Andreas. The mass of the Roman rite : its origins and development (Missarum sollemnia; translated by Francis A. Brunner. Westminster, Md.: Christian Classics, 1986, c1951-c1955. 2 v. Reprint. Originally published: New York : Benziger, 1951-1955. WID-LC BX2230.2 .J7913 1986; rev. and abridged ed. 1959. Martimort, Aimé Georges. L’église en prière. Introduction à la liturgie. Paris: Desclé, 1961. Pfaff, Richard W. The liturgy in Medieval England : a History. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009.

History of the Liturgy

McKinnon, James. The Advent Project. The later-seventh-century creation of the Roman Mass proper. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. Vogel, Cyrille. Medieval Liturgy: An Introduction to the Sources, revised and translated by William G. Storey and Niels Krogh Rasmussen, O. P. Washington: Pastoral Press, 1986. Vogel’s study is essentially a history of the liturgy based on a of surviving documents. It is highly complex, but provides references to almost everything. This translation of Vogel’s classic 1966 volume includes much modern scholarship. Baldovin, John. The Urban Character of Christian Worship : The Origins, Development, and Meaning of Stational Liturgy.Roma : Pont. Institutum Studiorum Orientalium, 1987. Useful introduction to the stationla aspects of the Roman liturgy. Jounel, Pierre. Le culte des saints dans les basiliques du Latran et du Vatican au douzième siècle. Rome : École française de Rome, 1977.

Specific Texts

Frere, Walter Howard. Studies in Early Roman Liturgy. London : Oxford University Press (H. Milford), 1930. Includes a key study of the epistles of mass. Klauser, Theodor. Das römische Capitulare evangeliorum : Texte und Untersuchgn zu seiner ältesten Geschichte. 2d ed., Münster/Westfalen : Aschendorff, 1972. On Gospel periscopes of the mass. Moeller, Eugène, Jean-Marie Clément, Bertrand Coppieters 't Wallant. Corpus orationum. 13 vols. (Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, vols. 160 and 160A-M) Turnhout: Brepols, 1992.

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